Client Packet Questionnaire

Stephenson & Warner, Inc Logo

Completing this section will take approximately 30 minutes to fill out. Please note the form does not save so you must complete the form and submit.


Dear Client:

Thank you for your continuing relationship with Stephenson & Warner. We have implemented several changes to serve you better.

In order to prepare your tax return accurately and to optimize your tax savings, we would like for you to fill out the attached set of questions that will help us identify applicable tax savings and help you comply with current tax law.

Also, please sign the attached 2024 Annual Engagement Letter. This will need to be emailed or mailed back to us. (Can be dropped off) We will require payment for our services at the time of pickup this year. Services can be paid for with check or credit card. We have enclosed a credit card authorization form for your convenience.

For your convenience, our office hours during tax season will be as follows (Oxford by appointment only):

West Chester: 

Monday- Friday 8:00am- 5:00PM


Monday-Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5:00pm
Saturday (Hamilton office only) * 8:30 am – 3:00pm
*Saturday appointments available in our West Chester office, must be scheduled in advance.


*The deadline to send or bring us your tax preparation information is March 15th, 2025. Documents sent by mail must also be received by this date. Information Received by us to prepare your tax return after March 15th, 2025 will warrant filing for an extension.


Very truly yours,
Larry F. Warner, Jr.
Managing Partner


1502 University Boulevard | Hamilton, OH 45011 | T: 513-868-8600 | F: 513-868-8620 
4938 Wunnenberg Way, Suite B | West Chester, OH 45069 | T: 513-860-3502 | F:513-860-3503
5995 Fairfield Road | Oxford, OH 45056 | T: 513-523-6664 | F: 868-8620

Information Update

* Note - any original source documents not picked up within 4 weeks of returns being completed will be mailed back to the client.

2024 Information Checklist

This is a list of the most common items we’ll need to finish your returns. We’ll call you if we need anything else. (You don’t need to return this to us; unless you make notes, we should be aware of.)

Please answer the following questions and include all necessary details and documentation. *Note Any Questions answered YES will need to have detail provided

Personal Information

Dependent Information

Purchases, Sales, and Debt Information

Income Information

Retirement Information

Education Information

Health Care Information

Itemized Deduction Information

Miscellaneous Information

Estimated Tax Payments Made

2024 Estimated Payments Paid. Please list any estimates paid in January of 2025 since they pertain to 2024- * If possible, please attached the canceled checks or bank statements.



School District



Dear Client:

The Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP) now requires us to obtain your consent before releasing personal information through the United States Postal Service. On occasion we have mailed to you such personal information using USPS first class mail. Please confirm your consent to continue this practice. If you prefer for future mailings to be received certified or UPS, please indicate below. These shipping charges will be billed to you.


, authorize Stephenson & Warner, Inc. to mail the following:

1. Tax Return and Related Documents for Year Ended

2. Other Information

This consent is effective for

tax year(s).

Please neatly print the address we are to mail to.

Credit Card Authorization Form

(Optional we prefer cash or check)

As stated in our engagement letter, we will require payment for our services before delivery of your returns. For your convenience, we accept most major credit cards, as well as personal checks and cash. You can also elect to pre-pay our agreed upon fee if you desire. Once your return has been completed you will be notified and you may select your method of payment.

If you prefer to pay via debit/credit card, you can either contact our office directly to provide payment information or you can make a payment by going to:

Please email: securely, mail or, fax the completed form to our office at 513-868-8620. After completion of your tax return the amount indicated will be charged to your credit/ charge card. Please call us at 513-868-8600 if you have any questions.

Thank You.

Once you feel you have ALL of your tax documents (W-2's, 1099's, etc.,) please upload them here.

You must return to this page to submit the form after uploading your files.